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7 Ways to Create an Eco-Friendly Office

No matter the size or scale of your company, we all want to play our part in creating an eco-friendly environment for ourselves and our team. Implementing green initiatives isn’t as challenging as it may seem. Making small changes to your everyday routine can have a profound impact on the planet, especially when your team makes the effort together. Keep reading to learn how your team can do their part in creating an eco-friendly office.

1. Go Paper Free

In the digital world, printing in the office is no longer a necessity. In fact, it can be an unnecessary cost for many businesses as well as using excess energy. Shockingly, printing accounts for 10% of all IT-related energy use – this can be eliminated by going paperless. Rather than printing documents, introduce virtual bulletin boards, newsletters and invitations. Not only will this increase efficiency, but also reduce a substantial amount of your company’s daily waste.

2. Switch to Flexible Workspace

Coworkers in a coworking area

With more companies introducing flexible working for their employees, there is less need for traditional, expansive office space. Many traditional workspaces see desks, meeting rooms and spacious lobbies go unused while their employees take advantage of work-from-home benefits. Flexible office space allows companies to use what they need when they need it. Iconic Offices has shared breakout spaces, phone booths and bookable meeting rooms to accommodate the diverse needs of your team. By switching to a flexible workspace, you’re not only cutting back on unnecessary costs, you’re also reducing your company’s carbon footprint.

3. Unplug

Did you know that even when turned off, devices are still using significant amounts of electricity? Office electronics, such as printers, monitors and copiers, are consuming energy 24/7 even when not in use. Consider unplugging these larger devices at the end of each week and unplugging smaller devices every day. By encouraging your team to unplug their devices completely at the end of each day, you can decrease your company's energy consumption by 10%.

4. Use Eco-Friendly Coffee Cups in the Office

No morning at the office is complete without a trip to your favourite local barista, but all those disposable cups contribute greatly to our weekly waste. By encouraging staff to switch to reusable coffee cups, you can decrease the carbon footprint of the whole company. Many coffee shops also offer a discount on your drink if you bring a reusable cup. Why not take it a step further and introduce branded reusable coffee cups?

5. Use Greener Methods of Commuting

A man in a yellow jacket walking with a bike

It’s no secret that choosing greener methods of commuting has a huge impact on carbon emissions. Using public transport is not only better for the planet but can also save on costs throughout the year. However, many commuters still prefer the convenience of driving. You can incentivise your team to choose greener methods of transport with some friendly competition. Introduce a week-long cycle or walking challenge or choose a day each week that everyone in the office must use public transport. You’ll be surprised at the effort people will make when you’re working towards a collective, eco-friendly goal.

6. Support Local Food Vendors

Having healthy snacks for your office is essential to helping your team get through the day but overseas delivery services can contribute greatly to our carbon footprint. Many local companies provide fresh fruit and snack deliveries right to your door. By choosing to support local vendors you’re contributing to the economy of your city and reducing carbon emissions used in transporting goods.

7. Start a Sustainability Team

Team in high-vis jackets carrying bin bags

It can be difficult to make big change without the support of a team. Sustainable committees are a great way of actioning your big ideas when it comes to eco-friendly initiatives. Gather a group of like-minded environmentalists and begin planning your company’s next ESG-focused move.


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