You know that inner voice that often whispers (or maybe shouts):
“I’m going to fail. This is a total mess”
“I’m not smart enough to do this. Why did I ever think I could?”
“Why is no one else having this problem? Everyone is doing better at this than me.”
Does that voice sound familiar? If someone that you loved dearly was struggling the same way you sometimes do, would you say half the things to them that you say to yourself sometimes? Almost certainly not.
Self-compassion is the ability to show ourselves the same love, kindness and support that we show others. Many people can extend compassion toward others but find it difficult to extend the same compassion toward themselves.
Sarah Doyle, Life Coach and Founder of The Better Life Project, will be joining us for a live virtual workshop on the benefits of having self-compassion in your personal and professional life, and strategies to increase self-compassion. She will also be discussing the dangers and pitfalls associated with self-esteem and why it probably isn’t helping you as much as you think!
About the speaker
Sarah is a TEDx speaker, coach, author and founder of The Better Life Project, her life coaching business. Her job is to help people achieve their personal and professional goals, whilst developing their confidence and self-esteem at the same time. You can watch her latest Ted Talk on “Learning How To Love Your Own Skin” on YouTube here.
Ahead of our Lunch & Learn event with Sarah, we had a quick fire Q&A chat with her, delving into the world of a TEDx speaker, author and life coach.
Quick fire Q&A
Describe yourself in 3 words
Determined, passionate, quirky.
If you could invite any 4 people to a dinner party, who would it be?
J.K Rowling because the Harry Potter books can be found in every corner of my memory as a child. Beyoncé because she’s a power house, Marie Forleo because she inspires me to be me, Brene Brown because her book The Gifts of Imperfection is the single most powerful book I have ever read.
The best piece of advice you've ever been given?
“It’s not about you.”
The moment that changed everything for you?
My TEDx Talk. When I gave birth to my son. The walk home from my very last day working a 9-5, I looked behind at the office where i used to work and just knew I made the right decision to quit my job to purse my passion.
If you could trade lives with anyone for a day, who would it be & why?
My son, I just want to see the world through his eyes.
Who is your favourite superhero & why?
I really want to say Wonder Woman for obvious reasons, but I can’t shake the idea that I would love to be a wizard like Harry Potter.
Favourite gadget, app, or podcast?
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